Dr Dao Mutant (GEN2) Mintdrop Details

Dao Labs Ecosystem
4 min readDec 8, 2022


Inside DaoLabs

The Story

From the parallel universe, a group of Doctors conspire in the perfect form, after various experiments in the Laboratory, they have managed to generate various forms, including Zombies, Mutants, Androids, Ghosts, Aliens and Cyborgs, with which it will be possible to participate in the games within the laboratory such as the “Dao Doker” and others available in the future.

Dao Doker Game

Dao Doker is a 1vs1 poker inspired game, where you can earn $CRO by playing against opponents and during competitions organized by DaoLab.

The rules are simple, to access Dao Doker you must have at least 2 Dr Dao Mutants, up to 7.

There are 7 types of Combinations that can win;
1. “Couple” Two Doctors of the same type.
2. “Tris” Three Doctors of the same type.
3. “Double Pair” Two Couples of the same genre or 4 Doctors of the same type.
4. “NormalSquad” 4 Doctors of different type.
5. “DaoSquad” 5 Doctors of different type.
6. “Full” a Tris and a Pair of Doctors of different type.
7. “RealSquad” All type of Doctors.

Within the collection among the common pieces, there are of the “Jokers”, they function as a mirror or missing card;
example 1 — if you play with a Legendary plus a Joker, the Joker will have the score of a Legendary .
example 2 — if you play with a “Tris” plus a Joker, The combination will become a “Double Pair”.

It will be possible to add Boosts, to increase your final score, the accepted Boosters are;
Daolist Pass 3D NFTs (+1 on your total score).
AI Labs NFTs (+0.2 on your total score).
AI Experiments NFTs (+0.1 on your total score).
Up to a maximum of 5 Boost Slots can be filled.
If the score is equal, the smart contract will deliver the prize randomly.
The winner earns $40CRO for each game.

Score Points per Type:
Dr Mutant — 0.5
Dr Zombie — 0.6
Dr Android — 1
Dr Ghost — 1.5
Dr Alien — 2
Dr Cyborg — 2.2
Dr Legendary — 2.5

Dao Doker will take place on our website during Mint.

Mint Details

Location: Our Website.
Date and Time: 16 Dec 2022, now — https://daogames.online/mint
Traits and Rarities:
— 70 Backgrounds.
— 7 Dr Types.
— 40 Bodies.
— 40 Heads.
— 30 Eyes.
— 6 Noses.
— 30 Mouths.
— 28 Details.
— 24 Hairs.
— 20 Clothes.
— 8 Legendaries Unique 1/1.
in the collection there are Epic, Uncommon and Common pieces also.
Supply: 3333 NFTs.
Dr Dao (GEN1) Holders Price — 130 CRO.
Daolist Pass 3D (WL) Holders Price — 140 CRO.
Public Price — 150 CRO.
Start Benefits:
Mini Dao Club — (Decision Power for Future Game Developments).
Royalties Sharing — Passive Income from Secondary Markets and Dao Doker Game (50%) by holding Dr Dao Mutants NFTs.
Deflationary Supply — Supply will be reduced through Dr Dao Fusion Tool dApp.
Access — with your Daolist Pass into Dr Dao X Fusion Tool dApp.
Legendaries — Those Who Mint 1 of 8 Legendaries and claim on our Discord will receive phisichally the picture of Legendary Minted.

MintDrop Events: 30 000 $CRO in Price

Top 10 Holders:

1st — 5 000 $CRO.
2nd — 2 500 $CRO.
3th — 1 500 $CRO.
4th — 1 000 $CRO.
5th — 500 $CRO.
From 6th to 10th — 350 $CRO.

*Description: At the Sold Out, we will take a screenshot via Cronoscan to detect the 10 best Holders, the prize will be sent automatically.
**The Dao Wallet, which will have airdrops for Gen1 Holders, will not be included in the ranking.

Random Token IDs:

1 Mad Meerkat Burrow.
1 CroSkull Original.
1 Crosmonaut.
1 Ebisus Bay FM.
1 Boomer.
1 MoonWolf Banner.
1 TIC.
1 CroDoo.
1 Dr Dao.
5 Dr Dao Mutants.
1 Daolist Pass 3D.
2 AI Experiments.
2 AI Labs.
2000 $CRO. (500 $CRO per 4 Winners).

**Description: Before the Mintdrop the Token IDs will be randomized (via Google Number Generator) and published in Dr Dao’s Discord channel, at the Sold Out the ID Token holders can claim their prize by opening a ticket on Discord

Good Luck to everyone!

The Future is Now,
The Future is DAO!

